Advective terms


To evaluate the convolution sums efficiently, instead of computing

\[\sum_{\ix_0^{\prime} + \ix_1^{\prime} = \ix} \sum_{\iy_0^{\prime} + \iy_1^{\prime} = \iy} \wav{p}{\ix_0^{\prime} \iy_0^{\prime}} \wav{q}{\ix_1^{\prime} \iy_1^{\prime}},\]

where \(p\) and \(q\) are the arguments and whose computational cost is \(\mathcal{O} \left( N_x^2 \times N_y^2 \right)\), I consider their representations in the physical domain, i.e. computing the product:

\[p q\]

directly, whose cost is \(\mathcal{O} \left( N_x \log N_x \times N_y \log N_y \right)\), which is known as the transform method.


  1. src/fluid/physical.c

    This file contains a function to compute the description of each flow field in the physical place by performing the multi-dimensional inverse Fourier transform.

  2. src/fluid/slope.c

    This file contains several functions which evaluate the right-hand-side terms of the Runge-Kutta scheme. In particular, convolute computes the convolution sum (product of the given two arrays), while compute_adv computes the advective terms by multiplying pre-factors corresponding to the spatial derivative in each direction and the pre-factors. Finally project_velocity is necessary for the velocity field to satisfy the divergence-free condition (see the equations, where two terms are involved in each direction to describe the advection).