Governing equationsΒΆ

I consider the incompressibility constraint:

\[\der{u_i}{x_i} = 0\]

and the momentum balance:

\[\der{u_i}{t} = - u_j \der{u_i}{x_j} - \der{p}{x_i} + \frac{1}{Re} \der{}{x_j} \der{u_i}{x_j} + a_i\]

to describe the motion of the fluid, where \(Re\) is the Reynolds number. Also a passive scalar field \(T\) is transported, which is governed by the advection-diffusion equation:

\[\der{T}{t} = - u_j \der{T}{x_j} + \frac{1}{Re Sc} \der{}{x_j} \der{T}{x_j},\]

where \(Sc\) is the Schmidt number (the ratio of the fluid diffusivity to the scalar diffusivity).

For later convenience, I consider the advective terms in the divergence form:

\[\der{u_j q}{x_j},\]

where the incompressibility constraint is used:

\[\der{u_j q}{x_j} \equiv q \der{u_j}{x_j} + u_j \der{q}{x_j}.\]