Time marcher

Integrating-factor technique

I would like to integrate the following equations in time:

\[\der{\wav{\ux}{\ix \iy}}{t} + \frac{1}{Re} \left( \mkx^2 + \mky^2 \right) \wav{\ux}{\ix \iy} = \wav{f_x}{\ix \iy},\]
\[\der{\wav{\uy}{\ix \iy}}{t} + \frac{1}{Re} \left( \mkx^2 + \mky^2 \right) \wav{\uy}{\ix \iy} = \wav{f_y}{\ix \iy},\]
\[\der{\wav{T}{\ix \iy}}{t} + \frac{1}{Re Sc} \left( \mkx^2 + \mky^2 \right) \wav{T}{\ix \iy} = \wav{g}{\ix \iy},\]

where \(f_x\), \(f_y\), and \(g\) are the other terms such as the non-linear terms.

In general, these equations have the following form:

\[\der{p}{t} + C p = q,\]

where \(C\) is a constant.

Here I introduce an integrating factor

\[\exp{ \left( C t \right) }\]

and multiply it to the equation:

\[\exp{ \left( C t \right) } \left( \der{p}{t} + C p \right) = \exp{ \left( C t \right) } q.\]

The left-hand-side terms are re-arranged as

\[\der{}{t} \left\{ p \exp{ \left( C t \right) } \right\},\]

and thus I obtain the resulting differential equation:

\[\der{P}{t} = Q,\]


\[P \equiv p \exp{ \left( C t \right) }\]


\[Q \equiv q \exp{ \left( C t \right) }.\]

Up to this point, no approximations have been employed, ensuring that all relations are analytically accurate. From this point onward, I will introduce an approximation for the right-hand-side integral in order to handle it numerically. Specifically, I will utilise the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme in conjunction with the integrating-factor technique.

General explicit Runge-Kutta schemes

Here I aim to numerically solve

\[\der{P}{t} = Q,\]


\[p \equiv P \exp{ \left( C t \right) }\]


\[Q \equiv q \exp{ \left( C t \right) },\]

where \(\exp{\left( C t \right)}\) is the integrating factor.

A general explicit Runge-Kutta scheme reads

\[\begin{split}& P^1 = P^n + Q^0 a_{10} \Delta t \\ & P^2 = P^n + Q^0 a_{20} \Delta t + Q^1 a_{21} \Delta t \\ & P^3 = P^n + Q^0 a_{30} \Delta t + Q^1 a_{31} \Delta t + Q^2 a_{32} \Delta t \\ & \vdots\end{split}\]

The \(k\)-th row is written as

\[P^k = P^n + \sum_{l = 0}^{k - 1} Q^l a_{kl} \Delta t.\]

Note that

\[t^0 = t^n, P^0 = P^n.\]

Integrating factor

For notational simplicity, I define

\[E \left( x \right) \equiv \exp{ \left( C x \right) }.\]

Assigning \(P\) and \(Q\) to the above relation yields

\[p^k E \left( t^n + c_k \Delta t \right) = p^n E \left( t^n \right) + \sum_{l = 0}^{k - 1} q^l E \left( t^n + c_l \Delta t \right) a_{kl} \Delta t.\]

Dividing the equation by \(E \left( t^n \right)\) leads to

\[p^k E \left( c_k \Delta t \right) = p^n + \sum_{l = 0}^{k - 1} q^l E \left( c_l \Delta t \right) a_{kl} \Delta t.\]

Fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme

The Butcher tableau of the classical fourth-order scheme

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c|cccc} c_0 & & & & \\ c_1 & a_{10} & & & \\ c_2 & & a_{21} & & \\ c_3 & & & a_{32} & \\ \hline c_4 & a_{40} & a_{41} & a_{42} & a_{43} \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c|cccc} 0 & & & & \\ 1/2 & 1/2 & & & \\ 1/2 & & 1/2 & & \\ 1 & & & 1 & \\ \hline 1 & 1/6 & 1/3 & 1/3 & 1/6 \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

The whole process to update a field from \(p^n\) to \(p^{n+1}\) is as follows:

\[p^0 = p^n.\]
\[\newcommand{\va}{1} \newcommand{\vb}{0} p^{\va} E \left( c_{\va} \Delta t \right) = p^n + q^{\vb} E \left( c_{\vb} \Delta t \right) a_{\va \vb} \Delta t.\]
\[\newcommand{\va}{2} \newcommand{\vb}{1} p^{\va} E \left( c_{\va} \Delta t \right) = p^n + q^{\vb} E \left( c_{\vb} \Delta t \right) a_{\va \vb} \Delta t.\]
\[\newcommand{\va}{3} \newcommand{\vb}{2} p^{\va} E \left( c_{\va} \Delta t \right) = p^n + q^{\vb} E \left( c_{\vb} \Delta t \right) a_{\va \vb} \Delta t.\]
\[\begin{split}p^{4} E \left( c_{4} \Delta t \right) & = p^n \\ & + q^{0} E \left( c_{0} \Delta t \right) a_{40} \Delta t \\ & + q^{1} E \left( c_{1} \Delta t \right) a_{41} \Delta t \\ & + q^{2} E \left( c_{2} \Delta t \right) a_{42} \Delta t \\ & + q^{3} E \left( c_{3} \Delta t \right) a_{43} \Delta t.\end{split}\]
\[p^{n+1} = p^4.\]

Here, \(p^k\) is stored to a buffer which is allocated to store the intermediate field. Since \(a_{kl}\) is all zero except \(k - l = 1\), only one additional buffer is needed for this purpose.

On the other hand, the derivatives \(q^k\) are all to be stored since the classical scheme is not a low-storage scheme.