


This step is optional.

For simplicity, I recommend copying the source file and header file directly into your project. Alternatively, you can build and install this library on your machine using the provided install.sh script, allowing you to link it as an external library.

First, clone this repository using Git.

To install the library, run:

bash install.sh install

To uninstall the library, run:

bash install.sh uninstall

By default, the dynamic library and header file are installed under ~/.local. You can change the installation prefix by modifying the install.sh script.

Remember to correctly set the paths and link the library, for example:

  • Include path: -I~/.local/include (or set the C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable).

  • Library path: -L~/.local/lib (or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable).

  • Link with: -lsnpyio.


Logging (monitoring detailed internal procedures) can be enabled by compiling the library with the -DSNPYIO_ENABLE_LOGGING flag.