.. _example_segre_silberberg: .. include:: /references.txt ####################### Segré-Silberberg effect ####################### Comparison with the reference data by |PAN2002| is described, who simulated the Segré-Silberberg effect in a two-dimensional wall-bounded domain by means of the fictitious domain method. ************* Configuration ************* We consider a square domain (:math:`l_x = l_y = 1`), in which a circular object (whose radius is :math:`0.125`) is positioned at :math:`x = 0.4, y = 0`. Everything is stationary at :math:`t = 0`, and the liquid (viscosity is adjusted so that the bulk Reynolds number leads :math:`2334`) and particle start to move because of a constant forcing in :math:`y` (stream-wise) direction, whose magnitude is :math:`-dp / dy = 2.337 \times 10^{-4}`. Spatial resolutions are varied from :math:`32` to :math:`96` grids per domain size (:math:`8` to :math:`24` grids per diameter) to check the spatial convergence. In practice, the configuration is specified as follows (:math:`32` grids per domain): .. literalinclude:: config/exec32.sh :language: sh ******* Results ******* .. note:: Conducted by GitHub Actions. .. literalinclude:: data/32/ci.txt :language: text .. literalinclude:: data/64/ci.txt :language: text .. literalinclude:: data/96/ci.txt :language: text The final flow field is shown below. Note that the picture is transposed, i.e., in the picture, :math:`x` and :math:`y` directions in the simulation are shown as the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. .. image:: data/96/snapshot.png :width: 400 The colour denotes the size of the stream-wise velocity, while the center gray object is the immersed particle. Lateral (wall-normal, :math:`x` direction) migration of a particle as a function of the traveling distance in the stream-wise (:math:`y`) direction is shown below. .. image:: data/result.png :width: 800